About Us


Headquartered in Plano, Texas, USA, the Nanban Group of Companies specializes in a diverse range of alternative investment, and project financing and management strategies for balancing risk with financial outcomes. Nanban Group is trusted by institutional and private investors around the globe to manage multi-asset portfolios delivering attractive performance, regardless of the economic environment.

Since its founding in 2020, Nanban Group has experienced explosive growth, developing from a single alternative investment firm in Texas to a globally expanding set of companies sought-after for large-scale project funding and investor partnerships. For the Gulf Region, it offers clients alternative investment opportunities via Nanban Gulf Venture Capital and robust project financing and management services through its capital divisions, including Nanban Gulf Investments & Private Equity and Nanban Gulf Real Estate.

Nanban Group provides the unique ability to monetize a diverse range of assets, generating consistent cash flow returns through a market-agnostic approach for navigating evolving economies. It accomplishes this through its propriety strategies that utilize timeless and universal investment principles – leveraging cash flow, capital protection, and compound interest.

The word “nanban” (pronounced nuh-n-buh-n) means “friend” in the classic Indian language, Tamil. This is the central driving ethos of Nanban Group, which takes its responsibility to society very seriously, selflessly serving others as a nanban.

As the foremost benefactor of the 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Nanban Foundation, Nanban Group regularly earmarks significant portions of its profits to fund numerous socially responsible endeavors around the world. Since Nanban Group’s founding, it has donated millions of dollars to support a number of noble causes, such as investment literacy, the fight against hunger, female empowerment, COVID-19 relief, systemic educational advancement, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation, environmental stewardship, and animal welfare, among others.